Lagi, Pemilik Ratusan Paruh Enggang Gading Hanya Divonis 8 Bulan

Sumatran tiger in Jambi Zoo poisoned to death

On August 12, 2013, a Sumatran tiger named Peter suddenly paralyzed and could not walk. The animal then was treated by veterinarians and BKSDA Jambi officers. Soon, two African lions named Gebo and Sonia also experienced similar thing, including one other cub named Ayu that also experienced same thing.
Danau Toba tertutup asap kebakaran hutan Riau

3 Helikopter di kerahkan untuk pemadaman kebakaran hutan di Riau

Komandan Satgas Udara Kol P Andyawan mengungkapkan hal itu kepada detikcom, Kamis (29/8) di Pekanbaru. Andy menjelaskan, saat ini berdasarkan pantauan satelit NOAA Riau masih terdeteksi sebaran lebih dari 200 titik api.
Independence Day Run 2013
Taking from the official website of the Partai Demokratn (Democratic Party), Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, who also serves as head of the (GMFKPPI) said that "the activities of Independence Day Run" Spirit of 17/8 "for a Merah Putih (Red and white, indonesia flag) ' special tribute 'to the freedom warriors".
Air Terjun 7 Tingkat dan Gua Pintu Kuari di KEL
Jika kamu penggemar traveling atau jalan-jalan tak ada salahnya jika kamu mengunjungi tempat yang satu ini, khususnya jika kamu penggila jalan-jalan di alam dan foto grapi tentulah tak akan menyesal jika menyambanginya. Tempat ini adalah tempat wisata air terjun yang cukup di gemari oleh warga sekitar dan juga warga dari berbagai daerah di aceh dan sekitarnya. Air terjun tujuh tingkat, yai itulah nama dari tempat ini.
Orangutan Day 2013

Ikan Trubuk Kini Terancam Punah

Ironi Gajah Sumatra
Mungkin pepatah gajah mati meninggalkan gading sudah tak bisa dipakai
lagi, pasalnya banyak gajah ditemukan mati tanpa gading. Kekejaman
baru-baru ini sontak terdengar di media-media lokal maupun nasional.
Laporan Worldwild Fund (WWF) Indonesia menyebutkan kurang dari satu
dekade terakhir, ada 129 gajah yang dibunuh di Sumatera, terutama di
provinsi Riau. Sebanyak 59 persen kematian diakibatkan diracun, 13
persen diduga diracun, dan 5 persen lainnya dibunuh dengan menggunakan
senjata api.
Penegakan UU Konservasi Masih Lemah
Gading Gajah Yang Dibunuh Di Aceh Ditemukan, Pelakunya Masyarakat Setempat
Warga Ranto Sabon akhirnya menyerahkan gading gajah yang di bunuh beberapa waktu lalu ke polisi,
setelah terancam mendapat hukuman karena membunuh gajah tersebut, si gajah
Sumatera 13 Juli 2013. Keuchik Amiruddin, Kepala Desa Ranto Sabon,
bersama 30 warga mendatangi Markas Polres Aceh Jaya di Calang pada Jumat
sore (3/8/2013) untuk menyerahkan langsung barang bukti berupa dua
gading dan linggis.
Lagi, Gajah Sumatra Dibunuh dan Dimutilasi

Kisah Pony, Seekor Orangutan Yang Menjadi Pelacur
Peristiwa ini terjadi lima tahun lalu (2007). Pony nama orangutan itu hidup di tengah-tengah lokalisasi di Kerengpangi. Dia dipelihara oleh seorang gundik tidak disebutkan namanya. Sekitar umur 5 atau 6 tahun Pony mulai diajarkan melayani para pencari kenikmatan (melacur). Keadaan Pony sangat mengenaskan saat diselamatkan dari tempat prostitusi itu. Dia dirantai, tiduran di atas matras, dan semua bulunya dicukur.
Pony seolah telah dilatih menjadi pelacur. Jika ada lelaki berjalan mendekatinya dia langsung bergaya seperti menjajakan diri. Gundiknya mengatakan Pony menjadi bintang di rumah bordilnya. Pendapatan gundik itu jadi berlipat-lipat dan dia pun dianggap sebagai keberuntungan sebab si gundik selalu menang judi togel jika ada Pony.
Working with local childrens
Chris and Ken are two Australian guys come to sumatra to be Volunteer at our project sites. For Chris this is second time to visited sumatra, but for Ken this first time come to Indonesia especially sumatra island.
They worked at bush regenerator communities in australia,Chris he has been a bush regenerator since 15 years ago, and he is love his job. He work at privated property land to building new forest at thats place. and Ken he has been working at Bush regenerator since 3 years ago, and worked for environmental in australia.
They worked at bush regenerator communities in australia,Chris he has been a bush regenerator since 15 years ago, and he is love his job. He work at privated property land to building new forest at thats place. and Ken he has been working at Bush regenerator since 3 years ago, and worked for environmental in australia.
Thanks Guys...!
Global Tiger Day 2013
International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues.
Sumatra Rainforest Under Pressure
Indonesia’s forests have shrunk dramatically in the past few decades. They have been cut with increasing speed for their timber, and to clear land for agriculture and development. Lowland forest areas have disappeared with particular speed because they are most accessible. They are also among the most commercially attractive forests: Indonesia’s lowland forests contain a large percentage of Dipterocarps, hardwood trees whose timber fetches high prices on international markets.
20 Years for Sumatran rainforet may be "LOST"
small plane had been flying low over Sumatra for three hours but all we
had seen was an industrial landscape of palm and acacia trees
stretching 30 miles in every direction. A haze of blue smoke from newly
cleared land drifted eastward over giant plantations. Long drainage
canals dug through equatorial swamps dissected the land. The only sign
of life was excavators loading trees on to barges to take to pulp mills.
Impact sumataran forest burning

Singapore’s National Environment Agency said its pollution index eased to a “moderate” 82 by 6 p.m., after rising to an “unhealthy” 152 late on Monday, which was the worst level since 1997, according to The Straits Times newspaper. The reading for smaller PM2.5 particulates, linked to lung diseases, stayed above 149 micrograms per cubic meter, compared to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency safe standard of 12.
Forest Restoration Conference in Indonesia
Indonesia has tens of millions of hectares of degraded land resulting
from unsustainable land-use practices including logging, agricultural
conversion, mining, infrastructure development, and fires. As a
consequence, vast areas have experienced the loss of biological
diversity and ecosystem services including carbon sequestration,
water regulation, soil stabilization, and the provision of forest
products to rural communities. While some of the forest loss was
intentional, being considered an acceptable trade off for economic
development, much of the deforestation and forest degradation have been
unplanned resulting in a large area of degraded land that can be found
in all land-use categories, including protected areas. From colonial
times on, the government has implemented a wide variety of reforestation
projects, but typically with limited success due to an array of
technical, social and institutional problems.
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