Forest Village Restoration Project

The other location our restoration site is still on the Kutarakyat village, the restoration site is  Village forest (not conservation area).  Village forest area has 7 hectares and conditions are forest  degradated. Long time ago, this forest was dominated by various types of native plants-Karo highlands and Aren plant (Arenga pinnata) used by the villagers as materials for palm sugar.

Currently the site is no longer well vegetated because of exploitation by society in the past time. Village government and the local community for trusting us to work together to restore these village forests for  the function of biodiversity and ecological.

This activity would involve the local community and village government, in other words these project is community development program as an educational and directly media  to the villagers how to maintain their forests and their environment, as well as train local people for forest restoration techniques.

The objective of this project is to restore village forest in order to function providing ecological services for the village (water, fresh air and a home for the natural predators) pests in their farmland.

In addition to village forest restoration, the project will encourage the village government and the community to care for their environment. Especially in maintaining the cleanliness of the village environment from unorganic rubbish and organic rubbish from agricultural residue what they do.

For this project we need $ 7.000 for one year. Please donation to us to start these project