A Bubul bird silent on artificial bird perches created by us, it is definitely fun, but that makes me confused because the color of the plumage is very different from the normal color type them ,The color of the body is dominated by the white, just wings and head is gray (normal color) that identifies Bulbul bird. I believe this bird is an bulbul albino bird.
Albino is a condition where the skin does not have or lack of skin pigment. Albino is a term for creatures who suffer from albinism, which is a congenital disorder of skin pigmentation.
Albino is one word from the Latin "Albus" it is means white. Albino is known as a condition called hypomelanism or hypomelanosis. Albino is one form of the disorder hypopigmentary congenita. Albino is not a contagious disease and can not be transmitted through physical contact or via tail blood transfusion. But the albino is a hereditary disease that can be scaled by a disabled parent to child.